Courses to change your business & career
through exporting
with Elyse & BettySue Export Queen

The Riddle of the Exporter™
 8-Step Process

A start to finish, comprehensive guide to solve
The Riddle of the Exporter™ and win the title of Export Millionaire

Workbook & Export Plans

We feature a series of special workshops to utilize our workbook and create an investor friendly export plan

Live Meetings with
Elyse & BettySue Export Queen

Coming soon! Let's get together to share your progress, ask questions and learn tips that only BettySue knows! 
lesson series


With a little practice and knowledge, you can become a professional painter. Start by learning the fundamental techniques of oil painting.
lesson series


Check out our diverse collection of sketching courses to learn the basics or brush up on the skills you already know and take your artistry to the next level.
lesson series


Discover our collection of drawing courses and see what kind of artist you could be! We’ve got everything from the basics to in-depth lessons.
lesson series


Our courses aim to make you a better designer. You will learn the theories and practices that will help you perform at your best. 

Always wondered how to become an Export Millionaire?

Well our diverse collection of drawing courses is a great place to start.
“The format of instruction at ArtSchool was designed to help students learn to see space differently, which helped them learn great layout techniques, and all the basic fundamentals were taught in an easy-to-understand way. Teachers were taking careful note of everyone’s progress so that they could provide additional help where necessary. I would highly recommend ArtSchool to anyone who is looking to further their art skills and become a professional.”
JOHN Davis

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Tuesday May 21 at 9:00 am PDT / 12:00 pm EDT / 16:00 GMT
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